6th -12th Grade Sunday School Class
This group also takes part in our worship service from time to time and all youth are scheduled to take their turn helping out in other areas on Sunday mornings.
We welcome visitors and invite you to come visit us any time you can.
This group also takes part in our worship service from time to time and all youth are scheduled to take their turn helping out in other areas on Sunday mornings.
We welcome visitors and invite you to come visit us any time you can.
6th-8th grades will be continuing their discussions and
searching the Bible for answers to the questions Isn’t
God Just Mean and Cruel? What if I mess UP? Don’t all
Good People Go to Heaven? Can I Do Anything I
Want? and Is God a Wimp? Four teacher teams rotate during the month to lead these discussions.
9th-12th graders will continue exploring LIVE; Year in Jesus. Growing in Christ starts with knowing who he is. These lessons provide youth with an in-depth look at Jesus’ life. Topics in October are Jesus Early Years, Bap- tism, Temptation, The Woman at the Well and Zacchaeus. The 36 lessons in this character study will provide students with an in-depth look at Jesus’ life. They’ll discover who he is, what he did during his earthly ministry, the truths that he taught and how they can share his message with their world today.
This Sunday School class has the same teacher every Sunday. And there is a team of four teachers who rotate to teach with the lead teacher each week. There is lots of great discussion and sometimes there is a fun game of Bible Baseball taking place! aministry, the truths that he taught and how they can shar
9th-12th graders will continue exploring LIVE; Year in Jesus. Growing in Christ starts with knowing who he is. These lessons provide youth with an in-depth look at Jesus’ life. Topics in October are Jesus Early Years, Bap- tism, Temptation, The Woman at the Well and Zacchaeus. The 36 lessons in this character study will provide students with an in-depth look at Jesus’ life. They’ll discover who he is, what he did during his earthly ministry, the truths that he taught and how they can share his message with their world today.
This Sunday School class has the same teacher every Sunday. And there is a team of four teachers who rotate to teach with the lead teacher each week. There is lots of great discussion and sometimes there is a fun game of Bible Baseball taking place! aministry, the truths that he taught and how they can shar
e his message with their world today.